It was really great! His crocs were hidden under the table. GREAT guac, GREAT fajitas and great little (actually kind of big) atmosphere. It was a pleasant surprise! We sure do love date nights! We even (get ready) sat on the same side of the booth. In all honesty, the table was really far from both sides of the benches, so I pulled it closer to me, but then it was really far from Taylor so he just scooted on next to his little pregnant bride and we dined together, just the two of us, right there on the same side. I don't know that we've ever done that without being with a group of people where you're forced to sit on the same side. But, we kind of liked it :)
Went to the Dr. today for week 30 appointment! Yikes! It's coming so fast! Everything looked/sounded great!
Official Countdown:
69 Days!
I have some REALLY fun things to show you after receiving one of the most exciting packages EVER in the mail this week. Still working on gathering it together and will post soon . . . but get excited! hint: it was from Aubs!
Alex calls sitting on the same side "school bus"ing...I'm not sure when we started it, but now it's what we always do! So fun and cozy, right?!